Our Mission
The purpose of the SFAS is to promote archaeological research, to stimulate the love of art, and to contribute to the higher culture of the Southwest.
Our History
The Santa Fe Archaeological Society (SFAS), founded in 1900, is one of the oldest archaeological societies in North America. It became a chapter of the Archaeological Institute of America (AIA) in 1916, and remains the only AIA chapter in New Mexico.
During its first century, the chapter has gone from being combined with the state archaeological society, to being an adjunct with the Museum of New Mexico, and then coupled with the School of Advanced Research. It became a separate organization in 1971 and boasts a membership that is widely traveled in world archaeology.
What We Do
SFAS members can participate in regular field trips to archaeological sites of interest in the Southwest of the USA and in Mexico, attend lectures from experts in the field, and contribute to the governance of the organization.
Title |
Name |
Phone |
President | John Fitter | (505) 681-9955 |
Vice President |
Secretary | Lisa Lashley | (505) 988-1629 |
Treasurer | Linda Stephens | (505) 471-8583 |
Member-at-Large | Patricia Pearce |
(505) 670-2727 |
Membership | Linda Stephens | (505) 471-8583 |
Reservations | Jenny Crysler | (505) 453-1392 |
Archaeologist | Tim Maxwell | (505) 670-5384 |
Webmaster | Robert Sherman | (505) 983-9508 |