The Importance of Chaco Canyon’s 10-Mile Protection Zone in the Greater Chaco Landscape

Pecos Trail Cafe 2239 Old Pecos Trail, Santa Fe, New Mexico

Paul F. Reed The last year has been very eventful in the battle to protect the Greater Chaco Landscape from the encroachment of oil-gas development. Late last year, Interior Secretary Deb Haaland announced the withdrawal of 351,000 acres of Federal BLM lands from oil-gas leasing in a 10-mile zone around Chaco Canyon and several Chacoan […]

An Indigenous “Borderland?”: Reframing the Dynamic Late Prehispanic San Carlos Safford Area of Southeastern Arizona

Pecos Trail Cafe 2239 Old Pecos Trail, Santa Fe, New Mexico

Thatcher A. Seltzer-Rogers, MS, RPA PhD Candidate, Archaeology, Department of Anthropology, University of New Mexico Research Associate, Jornada Research Institute President, Treasurer, and Webmaster, Archaeological Society of New Mexico The San Carlos Safford Area of southeastern Arizona has historically received limited archaeological attention with recent mention only with respect to the arrival of Ancestral Pueblo […]

A Comparison of Musical Instruments from the Prehispanic American Southwest and Paquimé, Chihuahua

Pecos Trail Cafe 2239 Old Pecos Trail, Santa Fe, New Mexico

Musical instruments have been found at the Late Medio period regional polity of Paquimé in northern Mexico and in sites ancestral to Pueblo peoples of the American Southwest, but they have never been meaningfully compared. Paquimé’s occupation corresponds with the first half of the Pueblo IV period in the Southwest, a time when instruments were […]