Recent Research at the Abó and Quaraí Units of Salinas Pueblo Missions National Monument – Emily Brown

Pecos Trail Cafe 2239 Old Pecos Trail, Santa Fe, New Mexico

Aspen CRM Solutions recently completed archaeological surveys of the monument units surrounding the Tompiro pueblo of Abó and the Tiwa pueblo of Quaraí at Salinas Pueblo Missions National Monument near Mountainair, New Mexico, both of which contain the remains of a large pueblo and a Spanish Colonial mission.  The occupation sequences for both are now […]

Archaeology and the Tibetan/Himalayan Afterlife – Mark Aldenderfer

Pecos Trail Cafe 2239 Old Pecos Trail, Santa Fe, New Mexico

Virtual Lecture Although historians and Tibetologists since the early 20th C have collected and interpreted religious documents describing in general terms rituals of death and safe passage to the afterlife among the early peoples of the Himalayas, the archaeological record offered little insight into them. But recent research by archaeologists across the region have made […]

11th Century Turkey Management in the Mimbres Valley – Sean Dolan

Pecos Trail Cafe 2239 Old Pecos Trail, Santa Fe, New Mexico

For nearly two millennia, people in the US Southwest and Mexican Northwest have maintained a significant relationship with turkeys, a bird they domesticated for their feathers, meat, and other resources. Recent archaeological studies reveal diverse regional and temporal patterns in turkey management, but how and why did people in the Mimbres Valley of southwestern New […]