Zuni Region in the Post-Chacoan Era – Keith Kintigh

Pecos Trail Cafe 2239 Old Pecos Trail, Santa Fe, New Mexico

Abstract to come. Keith Kintigh Keith W. Kintigh is an American anthropologist and professor emeritus at Arizona State University. He specializes in quantitative archaeology and the archaeology of the Southwestern […]

Linda Cordell – Maxine McBrinn and Judith Habicht Mauche

Pecos Trail Cafe 2239 Old Pecos Trail, Santa Fe, New Mexico

Abstract to come. Maxine McBrinn Maxine McBrinn is an OAS Research Associate and author and is currently working on the fourth edition of Archaeology of the Southwest. Judith Habicht-Mauche Judith A. […]

Archaeology and the Tibetan/Himalayan Afterlife – Mark Aldenderfer

Pecos Trail Cafe 2239 Old Pecos Trail, Santa Fe, New Mexico

Virtual Lecture Although historians and Tibetologists since the early 20th C have collected and interpreted religious documents describing in general terms rituals of death and safe passage to the afterlife […]